Temperature 22C, humidity 36%, wind north-easterly, sun. Distance cycled: 6 miles
After a quick dash to catch friends Dave and Lizzie doing their shopping at the nearby supermarket . . .

. . . I set out along the front, and meet A, S and N more or less at the point where Ordnance Survey Explorer Map No.150 (Canterbury & the Isle of Thanet) ends and No.138 (Dover, Hythe and Folkestone) begins.

It's good to have friends riding with me on this deserted uphill track. We descend to St. Margaret's Bay and eat our tea at the Coastguard Free House. This is an extraordinary place, with the house Noel Coward sold to Ian Fleming at one end, and a gunner's station from WW2 set into the cliff at the other.

And under it, a variety of stones scattered like a map, and rock rippling like waves.
8.30 pm:
I arrive at Andi's 60's bungalow hidden behind cycle route 1.
It's full of interesting things, sweet juxtapositions, and paintings by his girlfriend, artist Tracie Peisley.

Andi works for the Migrant Helpline in Dover and I find a copy of the Torture Survivor's Manual. It makes me think of journeys and dangers immeasurably greater than my own.