Spent time showing Connie my website, then blogging in the local library. In the evening we watch the latest stage of the Tour de France, and Connie explains its rules and rituals, including the various jersey awards. Connie was a touring cyclist, regularly covering up to 60 miles a day.
Backwards to Margate rail station, then cycle past the harbour to collect forgotten items and meet with Isle of Thanet Gazette photographer by the Lido. He admires the Leica lens on my little camera.

In the afternoon Connie and I go by taxi to visit the famous Morelli's icecream parlour. Connie hasn't been here for two years. She has a rum baba, and I have chocolate icecream.

Later when I say goodbye and depart for Ramsgate, I ask Connie why despite warnings from friends she asked me, a stranger, to stay at her home. "Because you're a cyclist, dear," she tells me.