Temperature 21C, Humidity 41%, light west wind. Day's mileage: 11 miles
Complete with Mollie's generous packed lunch, I set off for Dungeness leaving Billie the Tibetan terrior listening to a Radio 4 programme about Freud and the Oedipus complex. I pass fishing tackle shops and a garden centre specialising in plants which survive by the sea. On Dungeness Derek Jarman's garden looks overgrown.

11.10 am:
Arrive at Susan's house on the Ness. Susan (left) takes me to buy eggs and a marrow from a neighbour who sells produce from her two allotments.

1.45 pm :
Sue (right) and Julia have driven over from Whitstable with their bikes, and we ride against a strong wind to the RSBP sanctuary where we buy stuffed birds with mechanical songs to hang from our handlebars.

Christine, the visitor centre manager, tells me about the campaign to halt the Lydd airport expansion and the high likelihood of bird strikes in this area. I sign the petition and we leave. Passing the power station on the way back I attract the attention of Eddie, the security officer, who drives incessantly around its boundaries. He asks me if I am photographing the perimeter fence, which I deny and divert him by showing him my stuffed birds from the santuary which luckily makes him laugh.

9.00 pm:
The power station from my window in the fading light.