9.00 am:
Outdoor yoga class, tutored by Di who is putting me up; the yoga breathing works well to open up my lungs. The project is funded by Surestart and it's a beautiful, vibrant and well-used place with children learning about the vegetables, lots of different people digging, holding classes and hanging out. There are also several rather sinister scarecrows.

Some of the people I meet are Surestart worker Enid, beside the "salad chair", James who is preparing smoke to use with the bees he keeps here and Steve who tells me about re-mineralising the soil by inoculations of sea water several times a year and links my search for oxygen with the photosynthesis of plants.

Volunteer worker Marion tells me about a man she knew with a serious lung condition whose care home constantly placed him in the smoking room, and only moved him before health inspections.
2.15 pm:
Rush by taxi to Cliffsend village to give a talk about the Drawing Breath project to the Thanet Breathe Easy group. Some of the group are upset as their other speaker from the oxygen supply company has cancelled as she is sick. Unsurprisingly they are unenthusiastic about my talk right now. I feel nostalgic for my own Breathe Easy companions.