Thursday, July 16, 2009

7 June 2009 - A sad day

Gutted at the election of two BNP members to the European Parliament, and a feeling of total disenfranchisement from the entire party political system, I want to record an optimistic alternative.

When staying in Lewes, we discussed the Transition Town movement, a world wide network which is addressing how we will live when oil has peaked and begins to run out. Whitstable where I live is a Transition Town and Lewes has held Transition Town status for some time with some well developed economic initiatives.

This is the Lewes pound with the Queen replaced by eighteenth century English radical Thomas Paine. These notes are used in much of the town in place of conventional pound coins, and are accepted in shops and banks. When first issued they sold on e-bay for around £20 each but they are designed to be used within Lewes to encourage local trading.